March 10, 2011

Web Project Manager - Cleartag

Web project managers bring project management leadership to the web development process. They translate technical requirements into functional specifications and actionable work plans. Web project managers collaborate with designers, web developers, copywriters, systems engineers and other creative service workers to define integration points and develop a release plan. They create and oversee the project schedule and report progress to project sponsors, team members and other stakeholders.

Project /Practice Management
- Creates and executes project work plans and revises as appropriate to meet changing needs and requirements
- Identifies resources needed and assigns individual responsibilities
- Manages day-to-day operational aspects of a project and scope
- Effectively applies our methodology and enforces project standards
- Prepares for engagement reviews and quality assurance procedures
- Minimizes our exposure and risk on project
- Ensures project documents are complete, current, and stored appropriately

Project Accounting
- Tracks and reports team hours and expenses on a weekly basis
- Manages project budget and Analyzes project profitability, revenue, margins, bill rates and utilization
- Determines appropriate revenue recognition, ensures timely and accurate invoicing, and monitors receivables for project